Selection of orchids species and hybrids offered for sale. Marita Åkesson. Gothenburg, Sweden.
Members work towards conserving orchid species in their natural habitats and enjoy exchanging information with each other. Gothenburg, Sweden.
Organization working to popularize and spread knowledge about the cultivation, conservation, and protection of orchids. Founded 1956. Sweden.
A selection of orchids and accessories are offered. Established 1995. Peter Göttfert. Stockholm, Sweden.
Promoting an interest in cultivating orchids and the protection of their natural habitats. Founded 1972. Sweden.
A charmingly lively community that discusses a diverse range of orchid topics. Bjorn Johansson. Sweden.
Blog with stories about looking for orchids in the mountain rainforests of Costa Rica. Gothenburg, Sweden.
Images of native orchids in Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. Sven Birkedal. Sweden.
Showcasing, through images and descriptions, the beauty and diversity of European orchids. Ivar Edvinsen. Sweden.
Activities, meetings, contact, and membership information. Founded 2003. Karlstad, Sweden.