Phalaenopsis species information including morphology, classification, culture, history, propagation, and images. Bernard Lagrelle. France.
Journal about growing orchids includes plant descriptions, care, and images. San Francisco, California, United States.
Blog posts focus on diverse orchid topics from culture to specific species details. Spain.
Information about some of the smaller Phalaenopsis species and hybrids. Wolfgang Apel. Offenbach, Hesse, Germany.
Phalaenopsis images, culture notes, and discussion are featured on this site. Nara Prefecture, Japan.
Information, including images and distribution, about Phalaenopsis species and natural hybrids. Germany.
Focusing on the orchid genus Phalaenopsis with species descriptions, culture notes, images, taxonomy articles, and more. Marzenna Kielan. Poland.
Phalaenopsis Orchids: Species and Primary Hybrids
Information with many images about Phalaenopsis species, primary hybrids, and allied genera. Alain Brochart. France.
Phalaenopsis species and primary hybrids
Group devoted to images of Phalaenopsis species, primary hybrids, and near-primary hybrids.
A blog for Phalaenopsis orchid enthusiasts with information about in vitro micropropagation and flasking. David Vaughan. Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia.